PAMD Associate Member Spotlight
The Pennsylvania Association of Milk Dealers is pleased to recognize Forbes Chocolate as a valued Associate member.
Forbes Chocolate is a family-owned business that has been supplying top-quality cocoa powder and chocolate dairy powder since 1901. They manufacture cocoa blends, flavor powders, and other products for flavoring milk, ice cream, baked goods, and nutritional beverages. We carry chocolate chips, drops, chunks, and chocolate liquor. Forbes Chocolate can also provide certified products to suit your needs.
Many of our members are currently customers of Forbes Chocolate, but for any who may not be, I would encourage you to reach out and have a conversation with Cherish.
Cherish Mathews, Sales Representative, is our contact at Forbes Chocolate and I know she would be happy to answer any questions. Cherish can be reached at or 440.262.3043
PAMD’s Associate members are a valuable part of our association, and we thank Forbes Chocolate for their commitment and support of our membership.
You can learn more about Forbes Chocolate and our Associate members on the PAMD website.